Urgent Prayer for Matthew Grech! Persecuted for His Ex-Gay Testimony.

1 year ago

Ever since Matthew Grech shared his testimony of salvation and repenting of homosexuality on X Factor Malta in 2018, he's been the center of controversy. That hasn't stopped him from being bold and sharing his story and advocating for ex-LGBT rights. But with Malta's "conversion practices" ban, simply sharing his testimony is considered promoting "conversion therapy." This puts all Christians on the line. His next court appearance is tomorrow, June 9th, 2023. Please pray for him!

#MatthewGrech #XOutLoud #Changed #ConversionPractices #Malta #therapyequality #therapeuticchoice #exgay

To financially contribute to Matthew's cause: https://www.lifefunder.com/defendmatthew

For more on this:
Times Malta article on Malta's initial "gay conversion therapy" ban in 2016: https://timesofmalta.com/articles/view/gay-conversion-therapy-is-now-illegal.633014
LovinMalta's gay-biased article on his X Factor controversy: https://lovinmalta.com/opinion/x-factor-contestants-audition-pulled-from-facebook-and-youtube-after-gay-conversion-backlash/
Times Malta article on the amendment to increase the ban: https://timesofmalta.com/articles/view/law-banning-gay-conversion-therapy-strengthened.1006708
Christian Concern's article on Matthew's current case: https://christianconcern.com/news/christian-charity-worker-prosecuted-for-conversion-therapy/?fbclid=IwAR2JT3GbFFr341NljjIYUaJ1PHzFLoa4kcCyZfGbmAyKVuFi2MZRP8UBzSo
Daren Mehl and me (from Voice of the Voiceless) presenting on "conversion therapy myths" at the ACHHS 2021 conference (we mention Matthew's case): https://youtu.be/P4pRzdoq2h8
Becket Cook's interview with Matthew Grech: https://youtu.be/sZaxW4kVP3I

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God bless!
-Andrew Rodriguez

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