Common Law Group update April ‘23

1 year ago


It is not possible that Western Governments are oblivious to the following WAR MOVES and occurrences.
.Australia and the DEMOCRATIC WORLD had been hit with a manufactured Biological BINARY WEAPON consisting of carefully crafted mRNA hidden biological agents in the vaccines.
Killing millions in China with this weapon, the Jesuits and Masonic Royals in Secret Societies have used the Secret Services and MASS MEDIA to frighten Democratic Governments into creating a global ongoing state of emergency for unaccountable political power.
Fear has stricken at the heart of the Western leftist indoctrinated nations populations.
The lockdowns were used as a COVER for the DEADLY 5G weaponry that is installing the COMMUNIST SOCIAL CREDITS POINT SYSTEM into democratic nations.
Electromagnetic frequencies combine with the 5G Vaccinations as a binary weapon.

This month the effects of 5G directed energy weaponry has been turned up upon the populations. Mental illness and death are rapidly increasing.

Democracy has been IRREVERSIBLY LOST. More GLOBAL DEPOPULATION war templates will unfold. Planet depopulation and GMO reengineering HUMANKIND into distinct CAST SYSTEMS and built in obsolescence.

.The discovery of ELEMENT 115 by particle acceleration and collision has attributed the greatest greed and harmful GMO plans against the mass of humanity ever known.
Element 115 is an anti gravity substance. There are also other elements produced by particle collision that create an invisibility shift.

.ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE is programming the minds of the 90% into false safety, consumerism , compliance, wealth pursuits, selfish pursuits, denial and general hedonism. Simultaneously AI is destroying mental health.

.HAARP weather weapons are devastating nations.
.CHEMTRAILS dropped from drones saturate the atmosphere with intelligent nanoparticle AEROSOL particulates that are breathed in. See

.Nuclear Wigmer dust is in the atmosphere from Fukushima and Chernobyl. Airplanes fly in it at 30000 feet. See LeurenMoret.Info

.GMO food is Agent Orange (glyphosate) poisoned.
.GMO animals are poison and carry very little nutrients.
.The water is contaminated with dumbing agent FLUORIDE and poison chlorine. causes Alzheimer’s and Dementia.

.Poison BINARY weapons VACCINES have been injected into the sleeping populations. The kids are being killed now also. Soon animals will be injected and the food supply will be further contaminated.

.5G is causing the DNA destruction of the human race. It is a weapons system that is killing all humanity currently living on the surface of the planet.

.The NORTH PACIFIC is entirely NUCLEAR and devoid of sea life. The Secrecy Acts prohibits mainstream publicity.
.Europe is being poisoned by NUCLEAR WIGMER DUST from Chernobyl. fukushima has done the same in the ASIA region.

.The mainstream MEDIA has been totally silenced and handed over to AI for vetting.
.Western nations have been primed for ISLAMIC invasion with HOMOSEXUAL laws fuelling hatred against the Western ‘dogs’.
.The Communist SOCIAL CREDITS Points System hardware is in place for further silencing. It’s in China, Darwin, Canada and Japan so far. It works in VOICE and FACE RECOGNITION.
. All electronic devices SPY on you in your own home. Your psychological and profile DATABASE is being added to.
.Databases, face plus voice recognition and war apps dominate the function of tens of 1000s of spy and weapons SATELLITES.
.HAARP WEATHER weapons devastate nations and unrepayable LOANS are given for control.
.NGOs (Non Government Organisations) are raping the world’s resources for the few 0.1% bloodlines wealth accumulation.
.The planet’s Van Allen’s Belt frequency has been altered from the polar regions. Especially ANTARCTICA.
.ISLAMIC IMMIGRATION has been unleashed upon Western nations for internal DESTABILISATION and terror laws. Also the external invasion of Australia is on the way through Chinese alliance.
.CHINA is poised for MILITARY invasion of the Pacific Australia and the USA.
.Robots soldiers and DRONES will lead the invasions.
.Russia is likely to enter war at a later phase with European operations. Perhaps even against China.
.1000s Military UNDERGROUND CITIES have been prepared all over the world. Including ANTARCTICA.
.The Chemical DNA destruction of the human race is well under way.
.PLASTICS BPA and BPS are changing and reversing the genders. Creating strife, hormone imbalance and confusion.
.PHARMACEUTICAL drugs are devastating the people with dependence and addiction.
. EDUCATION is being downgraded and replaced by indoctrination lies.
.All GOVERNMENTS have been filled with TRAITORS by fear of assassination and/or bribes.
.ALL the nations and all sides are working together inside inner-circle Secret Societies and Multinational Corporations AGAINST their own PEOPL



Further research:
.Dr Barry Trower directional weapons expert - British Navy. 
.Prof Leuren Moret - nuclear scientist/ geoscientist. 
.Prof Alfred Lambremont Webre - International war crimes Judge. 
.Prof Dane Wiggington - geoscientist. 
.Prof Eric Jon Phelps - historian. 
.Prof Walter Veith - biologist. 
.David Icke - BBC host & researcher. 
.Dana Durnford - nuclear scientist
.King Edward VIII daughter Emily Elizabeth Windsor Cragg.
.Laura Eisenhower -granddaughter of US Pres Dwight Eisenhower.
.Jordon Maxwell - WWII vet US agent.
.William Tomkins WWII vet TRW Inc agent.
.Prof Walter Veith -biologist.

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