The CAST of: Small Wonder - The Super Vicky

1 year ago

"Small Wonder" is a popular sitcom that originally aired in the 1980s. The show revolves around the Lawson family and their extraordinary creation, a humanoid robot named Vicki. The family's father, Ted Lawson, is a robotics engineer who secretly builds Vicki and brings her home to live with them as their adopted daughter.

Vicki, short for Voice Input Child Identicant, appears and behaves like a normal human girl to the outside world, but her superhuman abilities often lead to comical situations and mishaps. She has incredible strength, the ability to learn at an accelerated rate, and a robotic voice that only the family knows how to switch off.

The main premise of the show centers around the challenges the Lawson family faces in keeping Vicki's true identity a secret while navigating everyday life. Vicki attends school, where she befriends the Lawson's next-door neighbor, Harriet, who becomes suspicious of her unusual behavior.

Throughout the series, Vicki's interactions with the rest of the family, including her "brother" Jamie and their nosy neighbor Harriet, provide plenty of comedic moments. Vicki's lack of understanding about human emotions and her literal interpretation of language often result in hilarious misunderstandings.

"Small Wonder" combines elements of science fiction, family dynamics, and comedy, creating a lighthearted and entertaining sitcom that explores the challenges and humor that arise when living with an android in a seemingly ordinary suburban household.

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