RI Rep. Morgan Fights Solar Energy Net Metering Bill Which Enriches Owners While Passing Supply Cost Increases To Captive Consumers

1 year ago

Rhode Island Rep. Patricia Morgan speaks out against the use of net metering for solar energy farms and the customers paying for interconnections to the grid from solar farms.

She explains there two programs for the development of solar energy projects in RI. One is the Renewable Energy Program which has guardrails in efforts to keep rate increases under strict control. This program is still more expensive that natural gas energy but offers subsidies from the Federal government.

This program is highlighted on the RI Office of Energy Resources website. See below.


Electric bills requires up to 76% of monthly bills go to the energy supplier. Net metering is restricted to a limited section of RI mostly non-profits and city programs.

The destruction of forest lands for solar farms destroys natural habitats all for the sake of enriching developers.

Rhode Island already has the second lowest carbon footprint so why the rush to destroy our environment to enrich others?

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