Reason why 45+ is a threat | Check Description

1 year ago

Military industrial complex, regime change, and foreign policy are three of the biggest reason outside of the obvious one 45+ is such a threat. He’ll not only cut their money off but also expose their crimes.

Ukraine is 100% just to cover up their crimes and regime change in Russia. Putin has enough money, oil, and backing to where he doesn’t need the US & can push back after years of being pushed into a corner. Like I’ve said before I’d hope our leaders would do something if other countries were putting missile systems & biolabs on our borders.

Everyone should know by now Pelosi, Kerry, & Romney all have their own Hunter Biden doing dealings in Ukraine and if Biden’s is exposed they’re all exposed. They will be exposed and they will be held accountable.

“A lot of people have been hurt and we can’t let that go on. It’s Enough & About Time Something Happens”-45+

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