1 year ago

Late 2018 I submitted to the Petitions Office a 70 page objection to Winston Peters signing, agreeing to the UN Global Compact Of Migration. and this was submitted to the Parliamentary Select Committee. I also made several video's on You Tube about the Compact. Others jumped on board. It was this time that Freedom Of Expression was being targeted by the government police camera's were pointed at our faces... it was being to be noticeable that anyone whom opposed the govts narratives would be character assassinated. Hence since December 2018 I have been targeted, character assassinated by certain Socialist Activists and at times by the police themselves. Why, because I care about what happens to the people of New Zealand.

In this video I explain why Ardern's Christchurch Call of Right Wing Extremism, White Supremacy, Far Right and even Islamophobia is one big conspiracy theory that has been deliberately associated to the Christchurch Attack to stop, shut people down from publicly opposing the governments socialist narratives. I also personally believe that the Gun Buy Back law imposed in NZ which Ardern also linked to the Christchurch Attack was already part of a global plan to get rid of small arms. Farmers, gun club owners, those who entered shooting competitions were all affected. But the gangs being able to still get their guns on the black market. It did not stop the crime in NZ, its a fact the government just treated law abiding citizens like crims, and the true crims got away with their violent crimes.

PLEASE NOTE: The information i have included was made public by the Commission Of Inquiry into the Christchurch Mosque Attacks. This is NOT marked or publicized by the Royal Commission of Inquiry, the Government, SIS or NZ Police as confidential.

WakeUpNZ Carol Sakey

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