STANDING TALL: featuring Jason Reid - part 11 - Facing up to unresolved past energies

1 year ago

This video is a conversational style interview/chat about ascension, dealing with 3d energies, messages from the Q team through Jason's official source, spiritual nuggets of wisdom, remembering we all have the answers and solutions within through our heart energy and divine source, raising light energy, Jason's take on the current global energies/situation, his take on how to deal with daily grind and dramas while raising vibration, how to love ourselves first before helping others.

Jason Reid's short bio blurb:

The great awakening educational doctorate program! We are about serving God by waking up the world.

Focus on being effective with people and efficient with things.

We are ascending to the new earth and must focus on the fruits of the spirit and ascending to 5d 6d and 7d connection with source!

Links to Jason's daily content. LOTS of amazing information!

TELEGRAM @jreidstakechat


(note I had to restart my account as it was compromised. I take that as a compliment as I post evidence and personal thoughts/messages from Divine Source. Feel free to add me so I can build up my already significant telegram audience of 36 followers. That's halfway to 72! lol Just explaining that as I had to start anew a few months ago).

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