Architectural Ingenuity - Moving Huge Objects Easily

1 year ago

Yes, giants once existed upon Earth. Plenty of evidence for that fact, although much has been virtually buried and hidden away. Have a video of that on my channel. But just look at what one puny human can do on their own! We are living in those days when all shall be revealed, culminating and ultimate by our King and true Judge. I pity the fool who judges others, because they shall be judged in the same manner. Those quickest to judge will be judged most quickly! That goes especially for those like Dstone360, who is so childish that he couldn't and wouldn't accept a simple challenge to address spiritual matters maturely. Sorry for adding in personal conflict, folks. This turd is a true troll and real dweeb. I've met some pretty nasty folks online, but he takes the cake for selfish, sheer stupidity. So, let me turn this into a positive lesson for all.

1st Don't harm children. 2nd Don't call good, evil and evil good.
3rd Don't judge others, unless you know them, at very least, very well or have walked in their footsteps. 4th Don't create problems, or be a troublemaker. AND don't enter into conflicts that don't involve you.

Now, here comes a kicker!
Some say that self-interest makes you selfish.
This is far from the truth, IF it comes full circle.
At some point, one must come to realize that helping others, helps all, including themselves = self-interest ends in giving unto others and treating others, as you would like others to treat you.
One FAILS, miserably, ending up remaining selfish.

Keep It Simple, Stupid! (K.I.S.S.)

You are either a child of construction or destruction.
There is NO in between.

Watch your associations. Don't allow destructive, negative, energy leeches any where around your personal life. That only invites conflicts, troubles and many struggles and much strife. Turn away from them and ignore them, unless in your face and you must defend yourself with Truth and meat out Justice.

Come to one conclusion, by wise discernment; Those whom do not practice, or are unable to do so, diplomacy via Love are farts in the wind and shat upon the face of this beautiful planet - part of the larger "big picture" problem or "cancer", not the solution nor answer. 'Mary, Mary, quite contrary..."?

What a Nancy pants!

Him a BIG MAN! Him talk TOUGH! Him a BIG, bad, MANNN!
He can't ever understand this much. WOW!
"Christian".. HA!

You're either a nut-job narcissist or a deluded sociopath, buddy BOY.
Your kind needs to be, must be and shall be eradicated.
You're just "smart" enough to be a danger to yourself and others.

Don't like it? Let's meet. OH, but that means I'm "evil", right?
Then you don't know and haven't even scraped the surface of the Bible.
I'm waiting!
Want an idea of where I reside. Look at the video with the weather radar map and tell me where you'd like to settle matters, puke punk pansy.
< >
That's ME, cowboy.

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