Denbigh Lights UFO Presentation June 10th Newport - 100% Genuine

1 year ago

On the January 3rd 2012 at 3am in the morning a family of four living in the town of Denbigh witnessed and videotaped a genuine disc/saucer shaped UFO.

During what was a violent storm with wind raging up to 60-70mph, freezing temperatures and heavy rainfall, an object approximately 70ft wide, not too far from the families house could be seen rotating, with lights that flashed unlike anything seen on planes or helicopters and not making any sound.

Brothers Nathan and Alex Thomas along with mother Linda Pritchard and familt member Kiera Lee George all saw what they would describe as something out of this world. Over nine minutes of video footage was recorded to get this sighting documented for future investigations as evidence.

Over eleven and half years have passed, with my own investigation lasting over five and half years, here now, the case has been put into a book and presented in full for all to see. Here is my presentation proving this was a 100% genuine UFO sighting.

Book Link Amazon - Denbigh Lights

Documentary Denbigh Lights UFO Investigation 2018

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