Healing from Sexual Trauma — with Nicole Bromley and Allie Marie Smith

1 year ago

Sexual abuse survivor, author and international speaker Nicole Bromely shares her journey of the long road of healing from sexual trauma. Whether you or a loved one have survived sexual abuse, rape or assault, our conversation with Nicole will give you hope and remind you that you are not alone. This episode discusses sensitive topics and is for mature audiences only.

Nicole and Allie talk about:

Nicole’s story of surviving childhood sexual abuse
The importance of breaking your silence with safe people
Encouragement for survivors of sexual trauma
How to take care of and nurture yourself as you heal
Tools, practices and resources to equip you as you find healing

Nicole Braddock Bromley is an international advocate for survivors of sexual abuse and exploitation. She has authored 4 books, produced 2 films and is co-host of the OneVOICE Podcast.

In 2012, Nicole went undercover to the brothels of Cambodia, where she met with child sex slaves and helped them tell their stories for an international film project. In 2014, she founded a non-profit OneVOICE4freedom that stops child sex slavery around the world through prevention education and care for the world's most vulnerable children and families. In 2020, Nicole launched UNLEASH, an e-course and a live online support community for survivors of sexual abuse and leads their weekly meetings.

For 22 years, Nicole has traveled extensively as a voice of awareness, prevention, hope and healing to some of the most vulnerable populations around the world, as well as to some of the most prestigious universities, companies and conferences.

About Wonderfully Made®
We are a national non-profit, faith-based organization dedicated to helping teen girls and women know their God-given value, identity, and purpose and lead flourishing, wholehearted lives. Learn more about our programs, resources and young women’s events at https://wonderfullymade.org/

Get a Free Excerpt from “Wonderfully Made” by Allie Marie Smith: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/60eddc9bc92867fc75819353

Get your copy of “Wonderfully Made: Discover the Identity, Love, and Worth You Were Created For” : https://www.amazon.com/Wonderfully-Made-Discover-Identity-Created/dp/0802424368/ref=sr_1_1?crid=GONF20N096GR&keywords=allie+marie+smith&qid=1674759967&sprefix=allie+marie+smith%2Caps%2C155&sr=8-1

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