Minecraft Minecolonies SMP ep 1 - Minecolonies Multiplayer. Getting the Colony Going.

7 years ago

Minecolonies Multiplayer ep 1 - In this episode i start building the minecolonies town. I place the town hall and builder's hut. The colonist spawn in and get to work. The builder's hut get built so the builder can make the town hall. Once the town hall is built the colonists will have a place to stay at night when the monsters are out.

Minecolonies 1.10 mod - https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/minecolonies

The mod pack used is the direwolf20 1.10 pack with the following mods added

Minecolonies for Minecraft 1.10
Davincis Vessels
Minecraft Comes Alive
Roguelike Dungeons
Steve's Carts

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