Tribal Council Day 3 (2 of 2) | Survivor: Australian Outback | S0201: Stranded

1 year ago

Tribal Council on Day 3 of Survivor The Australian Outback Season.

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Part 1:
Part 2:
Stranded is the season premiere of Survivor: The Australian Outback.

Day 3
With the dreaded vote looming over them, the Kucha tribe began strategizing amongst its own.

S2 rodger t
“ Yesterday's Immunity Challenge was a big letdown. Uh... uh, not only physically, but emotionally. I think probably more so emotionally. As far as the Tribal Council goes tonight, which are... which we have to go to, uh, I don't think any of us are looking forward to it. ”
Debb informed Alicia and Rodger that Jeff didn't want to stay because he was too sick to continue.

S2 debb t
“ I don't know. I'm not betting on me getting voted off, but I think it's-it's down to, like, me, Rodger or maybe, um... Jeff, because he hasn't been feeling good. My personal opinion is the strong survive. ”
S2 jeff t
“ It's like there's a part of me that's a little paranoid about who's talking to who. I see these two standing over across, um... Mike and Rodger standing across the river talking. They're not fishing. They're not doing anything. They're just talking, and, uh, the wheels start turning, and I'm just... my eyes are going around. Just because we've said what we're doing doesn't necessarily mean it's gonna happen, and I haven't been with these people long enough to know for sure how well... I mean, I'm not gonna trust anybody, but there's a certain... to a certain point, you have to. ”
Unbeknown to Debb, Alicia relayed this information to Jeff, who vehemently denied ever having made such a declaration. Michael suggested that it could be Rodger who'd be voted out because it would be difficult for anyone older to follow through on the challenges.

S2 kimmi t
“ It's like going to court. Tribal Council is going to court. Nobody likes to go to court, you know, but if...


S2 debb bw
Debb Eaton
Voting Confessionals
Rodger's vote is not revealed during his confessional. Alicia, Jeff, Elisabeth, and Nick's confessionals are aired during the recap episode.

S2 debb t
“ (voting for Jeff) I love this guy dearly, but I came here deciding that I was going to vote on the strongest surviving. Jeff's been the sickest of all of us, and he's still not over it, so I'm going to vote for Jeff, and I hate to do it. I love him. ”
S2 rodger t
“ (voting for Debb) No real reason, actually. She's as hard a worker as anybody out there, and, uh... somebody had to go. ”
S2 elisabeth t
“ (voting for Debb) Basing all of my decisions on team dynamic and, today, Debb's morale was real low, and she separated herself. I think she's great, but we need a together team. ”
S2 nick t
“ (voting for Debb) My vote is for Debb. Um, at this point, I think that Rodger would probably be the smarter vote, but I think that the group dynamics and people fitting in well together is important, and Debb is definitely on the outside with certain people. But no hard feelings. ”
S2 jeff t
“ (voting for Debb) I respect her greatly, I'll miss her stories and her candor. ”
S2 alicia t
“ (voting for Debb) I'm voting for Debb. I like her very much, but she's very set in her ways. She doesn't like to be second-guessed, and it makes it very hard for us to deal with her in any kind of group dynamic. Um, I do respect her, though, for being very strong-willed, but it just doesn't work in this game. ”
S2 kimmi t
“ (voting for Debb) I'm voting for Debb because... she's a great worker and everything, but she does feel isolated. You know, when we're together all in the tent at night, she just chooses... to be independent, and... she's just a strong-willed person. It's not a bad thing. It's just not what I need. ”

Final Words
S2 debb bw
“ I wouldn't have minded getting voted off if I had fell... fallen during a competition, if I was lazy, if I wasn't a team player, but when I come here, and I give all of that, and I still get voted off, I bet you if Jeff had read every one of those votes, it would have been seven to one, and that's-that's a shame. I still thought a lot of it boiled down to mental toughness and physical ability, and none of that even mattered. ”

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