The Blessing Of Encouragement | AS BOLD AS LIONS DEVOTIONAL | June 28, 2023

1 year ago

The Blessing Of Encouragement | AS BOLD AS LIONS DEVOTIONAL | June 28, 2023

Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing. 1 Thessalonians 5:11

“Good job bud! Proud of you.” I can remember the words of my dad growing up who would encourage me and spur me on to work harder and do my best. I still love hearing his words whether on the phone or a text, knowing that it lifts my spirits and keeps me going. Whether or not we have a parent like that in our lives or a teacher or mentor, we know how good it feels to simply be encouraged by someone. It’s a blessing that little else can replace and a timely word or gesture can help keep us on-track when everything else seems to be falling apart.

I believe as we grow in Christ we must ask ourselves “Who am I investing in?” There is so much that is broken in our world today. There is so much division and hurt going on, even within the church. I know church people are not perfect and we can turn on each other fairly easily. But what if we strived for more and started to build bridges within our fellowships by simply encouraging each other? It doesn’t take a lot but I assure you the act goes a LONG way. A kind note. An acknowledgement of “Hey, I’m praying for you.” A selfless act like bringing a meal or visiting someone in the hospital. All of those things help to build the kingdom and they happen one person, one relationship at a time. Have you been blessed by someone else’s encouragement? Good. Now go and do likewise in Christ.

Question for today: Who is one person I can reach out to today and simply bless with an encouraging word?

Pray: God help me to be a person who encourages and seeks not to tear down but build up.

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