Parental Alienation and False Accusations - Alice Evans & Ioan Gruffudd - Attorney Analysis

1 year ago

Domestic violence runs in families, and the reasons why are complex and multi-varied. I've seen my foster kid clients grow into becoming my adult criminal clients, and it's tragic to see how the games abusers play victimize their own children and plant the seeds for normalizing abuse. In this case, the record shows Alice creating, over a period of several years, precisely the coercive and suggestive circumstances that are well understood to create a high risk of false reports, including false accusations, false confessions, and false memories. It's a complex situation when children make false accusations, but abusers use black-and-white thinking to cast any doubt, no matter how reasonable, as a victimization of the child. What we're seeing unfold is classic trauma bonding - an abuser deliberately inflicts trauma on a child and then serves as the child's source of comfort for that trauma to increase the child's dependence on the abuser. It's Alice's own behavior and the coercive environment she created for the children that undermines the reliability of the child's report, while simultaneously broadcasting the accusations as broadly as possible with the assistance of her good friend at the Daily Mail creates an opportunity to cast any reasonable doubt about the report as victimization of the child. The use of her child as both sword and shield is the end game of Alice's parental alienation campaign, and it comes as no surprise at all to those who are watching this case and are familiar with the dynamics at play.

00:00 Intro
00:41 I knew this was coming months ago
02:16 The justice system struggles to deal with the intergenerational cycle of abuse
03:02 We know a ton about false accusations and how/why they occur
04:59 Coercive and suggestive circumstances create risks of false reports
05:44 False accusations are complex, but abusers use black and white logic to manipulate victims
07:05 The vast record of coercion and suggestion by Alice against her children
10:09 Spelling out the game Alice is playing to victimize her daughter
11:47 This is classic trauma bonding that perpetuates the abuse cycle
15:09 I have the court docs, so we'll look at them next

Part One:
Part Two:
Part Three:
Part Four:
Part Five:
Part Six:

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