Musical Triangle Shaped UFO?!?!?! #UFO #Alien #ET #USO #UAP #Disclosure 👉👉👉 Follow me

1 year ago

Proof: This UFO was filmed in the night skies of Belgium on 04 February 2020

We still don't have enough information on this alien race and whereabouts of it's origin.

A lil tidbit for you...
What happens to most ET Abductees when they are returned??
Usually when an abductee is returned along with a flash memory because of which they don't remember most of none... they are re-abducted by the black ops and the lower earth orbit space programs which are operated by the Air Force... they put you thru a gruesome chemical procedure(s) most of the times to retrieve the intel about those EBEs from your subconscious ... and it makes me mad, coz they torture people who are already messed up because of the EBE abductions... humans are treating fellow humans like animals or specimens... or, you might have been part of 20 and Back program (operational since 1980) as part of which you might have worked off-planet for 20 years and after the completion of the assignment they age regress you 20 years and plant you back exactly at the same time frame or timeline from where they extracted you, it sounds like a storyline of a sci-fi movie, but we have been using these technologies since early 60s...
And, moreover not all the abductions are EBE related, even to our utter surprise we have alliances off-planet with various EBE races who gave us the authorities to use their greys... the ILFs... and unfortunately Black Ops are actively using those for re-abducting the same abductees post EBE abductions... even there are crafts like TR-3As,TR-3Bs and X-47Bs which are ours... there are detailed posts along with evidences in the disclosure album... more to come and just stay tuned...

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