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1 year ago

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> NASA Sleep Hack That Astronauts Use To Get Healthier Night's Sleep

If you want to learn how to get better sleep then you could do worse than consult the boffins at NASA, which has pioneered a sleeping position for its astronauts.

The technique, which is called ‘zero gravity’ position, is said to help with the immense pressures astronauts face on their body. Back here on Earth, the position can result in an amazing night's sleep. It also provides many additional health benefits, such as promoting blood circulation, stopping insomnia and reducing pain.

Wondering how to manoeuvre your way into this wonder sleeping position? Sleep specialists Opera Beds explain exactly how it's done. ‘Zero-gravity is a neutral position that’s achieved by lying flat on your back and raising both your head and feet slightly above your heart level, so the spine is neutrally aligned - therefore relieving pressure on your body.’The 'zero-gravity' sleeping position can leave the body with a feeling of weightlessness, relieving pressure build up and providing pain relief. Raising your head is the optimum way to open your airways which can relieve snoring issues. While lifting your knees and head above heart level improves circulation and can reduce swelling – not to mention doing wonders for recovery.

Digestive problems such as heartburn or acid reflux can also be reduced with the power of gravity – keeping acid down in the stomach that could cause an interrupted night’s sleep.

And the final benefit: in the ‘zero gravity’ position you’re much less likely to want to change sleeping position due to there being no pressure areas on your body. Usually lying flat there can be gapping between the spine and the mattress, with the consequence being the entire weight of your body falls on to some of most precious muscles and joints – mainly in the neck and back.

So there you have it. Who knew that stuffing pillows under your top and bottom could be the key to reducing inflammation and aiding recovery?

Well, apart from NASA obvs.

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