The US preparing Evacuation Plans in Taiwan shows the CCP’s attack is imminent

1 year ago

06/14/2023 Nicole on Steve Gruber Show: Biden spoke at the G7 summit about the frosty relationship between the U.S. government and Xi Jinping's party and hoped for a thaw in U.S.-China relations. Now the CCP is eyeing Taiwan and the CCP's attack on Taiwan is imminent. So the question for this administration is whether the Biden administration continues the engagement policy with the CCP, economically, financially, diplomatically, and militarily. #FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang
06/14/2023 妮可做客Steve Gruber Show:拜登在七国集团峰会上谈到了美国政府与习家党之间冰冷的双边关系,并希望美中关系得以解冻,而中共正对台湾虎视眈眈,攻台迫在眉睫。因此,本届美国政府面临的问题在于拜登政府会维护台湾的自由和独立,还是继续与中共进行经济、金融、外交和军事上的合作。 #释放郭文贵 #释放王雁平

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