Aaron Russo's "MAD AS HELL" presentation in 1996

1 year ago

This is the video that got Nicholas Rockefeller's attention as he knew that Aaron Russo was a MAN OF ACTION due to starting successful businesses, producing movies like TRADING PLACES, WISEGUYS and THE ROSE. He was Bette Midlers agent.
The Rockefellers usually recruit from Universities as they are fully aware of very smart people and often show up at these universities to recruit these people but they also recruit those that show they can MAKE THINGS HAPPEN types of people like Aaron Russo. Nicholas Rockefeller had someone arrange an initial meeting with Aaron Russo and they were friends from 1998-2000 and Aaron said Nicholas Rockefeller was the smartest man he ever met but said they were 2 different people where Nicholas Rockefeller only cared about himself and his family where Aaron cared about everyone. Over the 2 years of their friendship, Nicholas told Aaron some secrets like it was the Rockefeller family that invented WOMANS LIBERATION movement through Gloria Steinem which was to get the women into the work force and then get more tax money and have others look after the children.
11 months before 9/11 happened he told Aaron that there was going to be a big terrorist even soon and that the US would be looking for these terrorists in caves in Afghanistan and Aaron said he was laughing as he said it as they were fooling the American public so easily through their media etc... That was the last time that Aaron met with Nicholas Rockefeller and it was only AFTER 9/11 happened did he reflect on the things that Nicholas Rockefeller had told him.

Alex Jones Interviews Aaron Russo (2006)

(2006) FREEDOM TO FASCISM- Aaron Russo documentary on the IRS & FEDERAL RESERVE

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