Part Six: The evil behind the door of child protection

1 year ago

Survivors of child abuse in care and protection seeking justice from agencies tasked with holding accountablility, come up against walls within damage control agencies, The Police Child Abuse Unit a damage control agency. The Child Protection Department go to another level and legislate a register containing the names ,ages, addresses, ,and nature of abuse, of all children known to the department on a computer. The Register was written into the new Child Welfare Act as the exchange of information. The manager and security of the Register a department social worker who worked as a field officer in Katanning when Dennis McKenna was abusing children for 15 years who were resident at a Hosel. He was on the board of that Hostel, When in Perth.he placed children with pedophile foster carers, took children from institutions, drugged them whilst facilitating them to pedophile rings, was also the criminal screening manager for the department. At one time had been promoted to Consumer Advocate for the department, and until recently was employed after his resignation as a consultant. The Director General who succeeded the Director General discussed in previous video’s traveled the world working for Aust Trade prior to becoming the Director General in WA. He was instrumental in establishing the transportation Act also written into the amended child Welfare Act 2004. This gave the department the legal right to transfer children out of the state. The register, known as the exchange of information was to service the Transportation of children from the department to anywhere in the world.

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