War of the Servers pt 1

1 year ago

An ambitious feature-length movie and homage to War of the Worlds by Robert Stoneman of Lit Fuse Films -- HEL

"In 2007, The Gmod servers go to war, from PHWOnline And RS Films comes "War of the Servers", Directed by Robert Stoneman and starring voices from Chris Duggan (PHWRadio DJ), Robert Stoneman (PHWRadio DJ and Slapdash 1 and 2), Richard Biosvert (Slapdash 1 and 2), David Zimmerman (PHW Comic Maker), Nick Bertke, Jordan Brindle and Ben Stoneman. Based on the musical "Jeff Wayne's musical of War of the Worlds" This action/parody adventure follows one players story to get to his friends before the servers crash." -- from Lit Fuse Films website

"A movie created by Robert Stonemen made to be originally just a simple machmina about Garry's Mod but do to quick fame it ended up being the alterning moment of Garry's Mod. How? It brought in thosands maybe even milions of players to Garry's Mod it alterd the culture by changing Gmodian minds by giving the simplcy of love for war. Eventually the change made it where Gmod was once Peace and Love to an amazing game that can either be about the simple thing called friendship or become a hard bitten genreal in war." -- Urban Dictionary, http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=War%20Of%20The%20Servers

"This Time You Can't Ban Them." -- War of the Servers poster.
Director: Robert Stoneman
Camera & Editing: Robert Stoneman
Voice Cast: Robert Stoneman; Ben Stoneman; Jordan Brindle; Chris Duggan; Richard Boisvert; Nick Bertke; David Zimmerman; Drake Tolan
Ingame Actors: Eike "Kendo" Hagemann; Teun "Vyrus" Ververs; Hiels "Yomaster" Gade

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