Rahan. Episode fifteen. Death to the Manta. by Roger Lecureux. A Puke (TM) Comic.

1 year ago


Episode fifteen.

Death to the Manta.

The seagulls which accompanied the raft which the current carried towards the island suddenly dispersed, leaving the sky to a gigantic bird.
And this albatross dived towards the raft.

The son of Crao had seen the danger.
Rahan is not a fish!
Why are you attacking him like this?

He dived, narrowly avoiding the deadly attack from the beak.

Page Two:

After regaining height, the albatross returned to the attack.
But Rahan knew how to parry this one.

He slipped under the raft.
The shadow of huge wings darkened the surface then disappeared.

Ten times Rahan had to repeat this strange game, ascending to breathe in a breath of air and taking refuge under the skiff as soon as the bird swooped down on him.

Without a doubt tired, the albatross finally disappeared.
The large beach of the island was now very close.

An instant later.
Where did the river without end lead Rahan?
Do “those-who-walk-standing" know this territory?
Do they live there?

Page Three:

The bamboo forest that bordered the beach seemed welcoming.
Rahan plunged into it without fear.
Oh! "The mother of mothers"!

The wooden idol that stood in the clearing was proof of the presence on this island of "Those-who-walk-upright", of men!

As evidenced by these fish drying in the sun, hanging in strings from vines.

But the men who live here leave very strange traces!
Do they only have one leg?

These traces that Rahan had just discovered in the sand, in front of the mother of mothers, had been left by a single foot!

Page Four:

He had not recovered from his stupor when men rushed towards him.
The man from the realm of sunshine stole the fish that we entrusted to the "mother of mothers"! Capture him!

The son of Crao sprang into the forest.
But he knew nothing about this one, and could not escape these men.

He was quickly rejoined, surrounded.
Rahan only ate a fish!
Would that be a crime in the eyes of your clan!

Smack! Ah!
A bamboo suddenly drawn and released violently slashed Rahan's temple.

We finally have the stranger who has been stealing our fish for days!
He must be punished! Take him to the village!

Page Five:

A little later.
I am Rahan the son of Crao!
Rahan arrived on your land only a moment ago!
Therefore he cannot be guilty of what you accuse him of!

The chief of the clan had only one leg, and it explained to Rahan the strange traces discovered in front of the idol.
Tooboo just wants to believe Rahan.

But Tarook, our sorcerer, saw you eat a fish.
It is true! Rahan did eat “a” fish!

Rahan thinks that "Those-who-walk-upright" should never refuse a fish!
We acted as Rahan thought, once!

But things have changed a lot since the "manta" chose our bay to make into its lair!
Tooboo had an honest expression.
But his face was sad.

Page Six:

Since Rahan gives us his word that he only ate one fish, we have to believe him!
Give him his freedom!

Tarok the sorcerer had a sneer of rage.
If other fish are stolen, we will remember that Tooboo protected the culprit!

A little after.
Friendship does not seem to reign between the wizard and Tooboo!
Tarok is furious since the men had to cut my leg.

Because all his incantations were useless, and the venom of the "Manta" would have infiltrated to my heart.

It was at that moment that a fantastic thing sprang from the sea, offshore.
Rahan had never seen something so strange.
What is that Tooboo?
“La Manta”!!

Page Seven:

She has been prowling around here for many moons.
The giant ray leapt once more to the surface, and then disappeared into the depths.

Our fishermen can no longer venture offshore, and that is why fish have become so precious to us.

Why do you not kill this monster?
We have tried, but this thing is impossible, Rahan.

Because the tail of the manta carries a sting that secretes deadly venom!!

During an attempt to kill her, I was struck by this sting in the ankle.
If my men had not cut off my leg, I would have joined the territory of the shadows!

Page Eight:

As the wizard approached, Rahan became mischievous.
Should not Tarok's incantations drive the "Manta" away from your shore!?

There is no prayer to hunt the "Manta"!
We cannot do anything against her!
The "Spirits" who visit me at night affirm it!

Rahan does not believe in "Spirits"!
He does not believe Tarok, whose language produces more deceit than truth!

Tooboo's protection makes Rahan insolent!
But Rahan will never be able to contradict Tarok about the "Manta"!!

Ha! Rahan will capture the "Manta"!! Rahan will kill her!!
Just then, the monstrous ray sprang out of the sea, ten arrow-shots from the shore.

Page Nine:

Shortly after, under the astonished gaze of the clan's fishermen, Rahan shaped a tough root.
These men only know how to fish with a net, he thought.

Tarok growled with rage because Tooboo had ordered him to put himself at Rahan's disposal.
And See! The Manta trap is finished!

The two barbs of this "Hamecon" were enormous, in measure with the monster that had to be caught there.
And now Tarok, Rahan needs a very long vine!
Hum, follow me!

A moment later Rahan climbed nimbly towards the foliage.
This vine supports his weight.
But she will not take any more!!

And he will not survive such a fall!
Rahan was very high when the wizard treacherously gripped to the vine.

Page Ten:

Rahan's instinct was such that when the vine stiffened beneath him, he was ready to ward off danger.

He caught a vine in flight just as the other broke!

You were right to test the vine, Tarok!
She was too fragile.
And this one suits Rahan better!
Rahan's irony made the wizard's hatred grow even more.

And while the son of Crao was preparing his "Manta Trap", she appeared from time to time in the middle of the bay.

Rahan needs a strong bamboo, Tarok!
Do you want to cut.

Page Eleven:

This one?
It did not displease Rahan to amuse himself at the expense of this cheat, that he knew wished he was dead!

If Rahan defeats the "Manta", he will ask the hunter clan for his wizard, Tarok!

Rahan will go to see the "Manta" at dawn Tooboo!
Could Tarok accompany him to ward off bad luck??

No! No! It is not possible!
The "mother of mothers said that Tarok should never go to sea!

The "Mother of mothers" advises Tarok of very curious things!!
But it is of no importance!
My son Tibik will be your companion Rahan!

Page Twelve:

The Raft, which Rahan had preferred to a clan boat, was reinforced.
You are a brave boy Tibik!
I am thinking of Tooboo's leg! I will avenge him!

Rahan and Tibik have the same goal: "Death to the Manta"!!
That evening the clan prepared for the adventurous fishermen a meager but fraternal meal.

Rahan asks everyone to give him a fish: he will need bait to attract the "Manta"!

All put a fish at Rahan's feet, Except Tarok-the-sorcerer!
So, the son of Crao, guessed who was stealing the fish before he arrived on the island!

However, he was not suspicious when Tarok offered him a drink.
Throughout the night I will ask the "Good spirits" to protect you!

Page Thirteen:

But Tarok was going to do more than summon the "spirits".
He slipped to the hut where he knew Rahan was bedded down with a drug.

And this one, stunned by the "Powder of sleep" did not feel the hand draw his knife.

Tarok could kill you!
But it's useless, the "Manta' will take care of it!!

The deceiver went and cut several fibers from the vine that Rahan had coiled on his Raft.

Then returned to replace the ivory knife in its sheath.
Profit from this sleep Rahan!
You sleep for the last time!!

Page Fourteen:

The son of Crao never knew why he had slept so soundly.
He joined Tibik at the Raft.
And was greeted by cheers of the clan massed on the shore.

A moment later the Raft was sailing out to sea.
Rahan calmly impaled fish on his "trap".

Then he unrolled the long vine, smoothing the bait towards the depths.
We will probably have to wait, Tibik.

It was indeed a long, a very long wait.
From the shore, the clan watched the tiny skiff.

But suddenly, rising from the murky depths.

Page Fifteen:

A terrible jolt projected Tibik into the water.
Engulfing the bait, the "Manta" was trapped, and it dragged the Raft along.

Clinging to the skiff, whipped by the foam, Rahan proclaimed his victory.

The sea monster arose in front of him, rose to the sky, and tumbled back into the waves.
Rahan has captured the “Manta”!!

A still more terrible shock caused the Raft to sink.
But it suddenly came back to the surface.

And Rahan understood the drama.
The vine had broken!
The "Manta" had escaped him!
We will have to start from the beginning, my poor Tibik!

Page Sixteen:

They had followed this short struggle from the shore.
Among all these disappointed men only one hid a smile.
Tarok the Sorcerer!!

But suddenly.
The manta returns!
She attacks the raft!

Indeed, the monster emerged from one side, and then from the other.
The terrible tail armed with the venomous dart whipped the raft.

Rahan and Tibik had to throw themselves into the water.
But they risked becoming bait themselves for the giant ray!

Whose "Wings" raised huge waves!
Rahan will kill the “Manta”!!

Page Seventeen:

Amazed, Tibik saw his companion climb onto the raft and grab hold of the sturdy bamboo.

Strike “Manta”, strike!!
Buttressed and holding the bamboo like a spear, Rahan was taking a fantastic risk.

Let the dart strike his face, or his chest, and it was certain death!
If this sting marked a limb, it would be amputation, like Tooboo!

As Rahan had hoped, the monsters tail became impaled on the bamboo.

All is not lost Tibik!
See here what we can replace our trap with!
While the "Manta" redoubled its assaults, Rahan made a lasso of his vine.

Page Eighteen:

A fantastic roar went up on the beach when he threw the wide loop towards the tail of the "Manta".

We have it Tibik! We have it!!
Indeed, the loop constricted and was retained by the Bamboo.

No trap, no hook could be more effective than this one!
And the monster who plunged back into the depths must have felt it.

Once again the raft seemed to fly on the waves, sank there and reappeared.
But the vine this time did not yield!

She will get tired Tibik! She will get tired!
Flat on his stomach on the skiff, Rahan cared neither for the waves nor the spray.

Page Nineteen:

Indeed, the monster was getting tired.
He no longer ventured on the surface and he thrashed about less harshly.

Did you not say that the “Spirits” claimed we could do nothing against the “Manta”, Tarok?
Uh, Uh.

To your boats, brothers!
It is high time to thank Rahan for this lesson in courage.
And also to give him aid!

A moment later all the fishermen of the clan were moving towards the Raft.
This one had just come to a standstill.

A gigantic body emerged on the surface.
The exhausted "Manta" was defeated, and fluttered its "Wings".
Fifty harpoons flew away at the same time.

Page Twenty:

Shortly after, the monster that had terrorized the island was lying on the beach, in the bright sun.
Rahan had stolen one of your fish.
He offers you this one.

Everyone will have their share!
The sardonic son of Crao bent to cut off the terrible sting from the tail of the beast.

This one is released to Tarok, whose words are more poisonous than this dart!
But where is Tarok?
Over there!

A boat pulled away towards the horizon.
He could not stand your victory, Rahan.
He leaves us.

And I am sure our clan will not mourn the departure of its sorcerer.
But how it will mourn yours!
And the son of the fierce ages, the son of Crao, was happy.
It is that he always drew his joy from that of "Those-who-walk-upright", his brothers.

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