Исцелување и Библиско Христијанство | Healing and Biblical Christianity

1 year ago

The service of Bishops Kaysharov is manifested by the Living Christianity Mission driven by the power of the Holy Spirit followed by signs and miracles, healings, prophecies and evangelization which is for the Glory of God because only the Lord Jesus Christ heals, delivers and saves.
The ultimate goal is for the newborn Christians to become living temples of God moved by the Holy Spirit who will exercise authority in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ living victoriously with living faith. Bishops Kaysharov often travel to conferences and missions around the world to preach the Good News to every creature, but they also organize seminars, schools, trainings and camps in which Christians are trained and prepared for service with the Fruits and Gifts of the Holy Spirit, developing a personal relationship and dependence on God alone.

Konstantin was encouraged to finally complete and define the mission and works, which is encouraging people's faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, dependence on the Word of God and Holiness as an aspiration, so that people become living temples of God's Spirit. Since then, Konstantin, as a newborn person, leaves all previous methods of action and publicly acknowledges his commitment to Christianity, which brings him many challenges. He experiences God's intervention through the Holy Spirit who guides him in spiritual discipline and without religious propaganda or influences, he begins to witness, evangelize and reach many people.Konstantin begins with a prayer to God to serve people in healing and deliverance as well as in their spiritual edification. He declares publicly that no method, technique or way leads to perfect results in the healing and transformation of people, as it is the Gospel and the love of God and His Power manifested through the Holy Spirit, and in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. He claims that man's salvation is the most important thing and that healing is an accompanying blessing as an expression of God's good and perfect will for people.

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