Halloween 1970 Guinea Road bunny man ax vandalism of Burke Virginia Kings Park West fly tippers

1 year ago

1970/10/19 12:01AM after an Air Force-Navy football game, Robert Bennett & fiancée were in the front seat of a car parked with the motor running in a field across the street from his Uncles house in the 5400 block of Guinea Road in Burke Virginia & they notice something move outside the rear window & then the front right passenger window was smashed by a hatchet that landed on the car floor & as they drove away the attacker said "You're on private property, & I have your tag number." she said he was wearing a white conical hat & he said he wore a white suit with long bunny ears

1970/10/29 10:30 PM 5307 Guinea Road Burke Virginia Kings Park West a 5 foot 8 inch tall, 175 pound 20 year old man chopping a porch roof support post of an unfinished home with a long-handled axe while wearing a gray, black, & white bunny costume told the guard "You are trespassing. If you come any closer, I'll chop off your head."

1971/03/14 Fairfax County Police Department Criminal Investigation Bureau officer William L. Johnson said no earlier stories or criminal incidents involving an individual dressed as a rabbit & his redacted Report 858-748 said a person involved in the 1500 home Kings Park West project said a phone call from "the Axe Man." said "you have been messing up my property, by dumping tree stumps, limbs and brush, & other things on the property.""you can make everything right, by meeting me tonight and talking about the situation."


= most citations archived due to youtube link bot & censor flag threats

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