What The World Can Learn From Chinese Innovation

1 year ago

Keyu Jin English video: What The World Can Learn From Chinese Innovation 世界可以從中國創新中學到什麼? 金家雙秀。金立群女兒 金刻羽真優秀。言辭清晰,用詞精准

The world once looked down on Chinese tech – seeing it as a copycat ecosystem. That was once true; but while the world sneered, China was catching up: China now has the fastest supercomputer in the world, a digital payments market 50 per cent larger than that of the US, and the biggest issuer of new international patents. Seven of the top ten unicorns are Chinese.

Keyu Jin, a professor, London School of Economics, is researching globalisation and the Chinese economy, focusing on bridging western capital and a new breed of fastgrowing Chinese technology companies.

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