My Supplement Routine in my 60's

1 year ago

Your number one supplement should be the food you eat. Period.
Dial that in first and then bring supplementation into play.
You cannot cover up a bad diet with a bunch of supplements.

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Jane's daily supplementation routine:

• She starts by making sure her diet is clean and her water intake is ample.
• In the morning, she fills a quart jar with luke warm water and adds about a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar, a tablespoon of fresh squeezed lemon juice, about 15 drops of Cayenne w/ Slippery Elm tincture, and takes 1-2 probiotic capsules and 4 Truly Turmeric capsules along with the elixir.
• Makes tea, her favorite is yerba maté (especially when she needs a healthy boost of caffeine), then adds powdered collagen protein to it.
• Takes 1 serving of IonBiome for gut health (
• Takes vitamin D, vitamin K, zinc, enzyme capsules (typically with food) daily.
• Takes about 20 drops each of LDM-100
( and Daily Vitality: CSI ( at least once per day in water.
• Prior to her daily workout she takes 4 Heart Love capsules (, 2 Endurance capsules (, and 2 Brain Glow capsules (
• She supplements with vitamin C during the winter and other occasions, and periodically supplements with iodine.
• She takes 4 ounces of Essiac-20 & East Star ( together once per yer (at about 25 drops, 3 times per day of each) and does the same thing with Clarkia-100 and Mycocyde (, as preventive/maintenance measures.
• She takes 4 capsules of LiverLove ( per day for a month at least once per year.
• She takes 2 Detoxifier (broken-cell-wall chlorella)( and two Spirulina capsules ( with dinner and depending on how much raw plant material is in her dinner, she'll sometimes take some extra digestive enzymes.
• She will take Uña de gato tincture ( as needed for inflammation control. This might be right after Jane crushes a 5 hour hike or something like that!

Remember, everyone is different, so the supplements that will compliment your health the most will most likely be a different blend than Jane's, but there's going to be a lot of similarities as well. Each of us must prioritize for ourselves and test as much as we can. There are bio-feedback machines and blood-work and things like that that can help you figure out what nutrients you may be lacking or having too much of.

Feel free to engage us with comments and questions, thanks for watching!

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