1 year ago

Next time the powers that be send in a couple of Aliens who fell from heaven to invade the area let them know the area is ready with SSF SUPERNATURAL BULLETS!

Supernatural Shotgun Force (SSF Sasquatch Balls) 4 Inch Magnum Demon Hunter Rounds

Since the freaking Aliens have apparently landed in Vegas, been working on some Supernatural Shotgun shells called "SSF Sasquatch Balls- Demon Hunter" The 12 Guage inserts contain evanescence stone, metals like silver, pirate, quartz crystals, and a host of other ingredients sealed in Montezuma Well Water in the glass. Good for all kinds of supernatural/natural critters. No doubt there will be some kind of unrepairable damage done to whatever was freaking before you once you pull the trigger...

Just dump out the BBs and insert then seal back up. Real men will get it. Have actually been going and running some of the local creatures down for years. Nobody is showing people how to protect themselves from what is here and coming...

The recipe is in #5 of 5 Editor copies of the book "Legends of the Verde Valley." You simply can't trust the holy water of some churches these days and must go to mother nature... If the Alien/Demons want to come visit they better be on their best behavior or they will get introduced to the Verde Valley Division of SSF!

The 10-foot Alien Giants who scared the kids in Vegas are lucky I don't have the big boomer... (Yet!) Don't be afraid, fear paralyzes you! Prepare for battle! Finally, something we can use the Sedona crystal for, "Supernatural Ammo."

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