1 year ago

Again, as mentioned in descriptions of other UFO related videos posted, this is a propaganda tactic, causing divisive fear and psy-op mind control. The timing is on course with a presidential election and ongoing war in Ukraine, with Russia.
Ben Rich, the late former CEO of black-ops "SkunkWorks" said that we have the means to travel among the stars (years ago) - See video "UFO FAP" - and Wernher Von Braun, late former rocket engineer genius warned that the FINAL DECEPTION would be UFOs and alien invasion.

Science, as fallible as it is due to greed and going along with narratives for agendas, plus peer pressure, is shared, while Technology is hoarded. Much has been hidden from us since just after the turn of the 20th century, just as we were able to and where entering a new "golden age" - the first one taking place around 12,000 to 10,000 BC during the age of Leo during the rise of civilization, in Sumer and Egypt - we now having come full 90º circle (if that makes sense) to the age of Aquarius. (Think about the face of the sphinx, which faces east!)

Demons possess physical hosts, like humans or A.I., unable to manifest their own physical bodies, as the Nephilim once did, but those bodies eventually died and their immortal spirits were sent to Tartarus. They don't need spaceships, but do manifest themselves within vulnerable human being, according to their susceptibility and/or [evil] DNA inherited from the satanic bloodline. So, yes, they are among us and do fly high-tech air craft.

We also have the technology to make very realistic holographic images. Combine that with A.I. and demons, you have the perfect recipe for making an image unto the wild beast that seems alive, to breath and speak. Do not be fooled nor fearful, during this time of God sending great delusion upon the earth, particularly and especially upon those who imagine they are gods among humankind, wishing to be like Yah (the true, almighty God, creator and master of the universe), creating a new world of mutant transhuman hybrids. Instead of having sick fear of the evil enemy, maintain a healthy fear (humble reverence), for your Father and King in heaven.

I reserve my healthy skepticism, regarding alien aircraft and reverse engineering, in lieu of trustworthy sources and evidence.

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