Port Huron, MI | StreamTime LIVE

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Actual Start Date: June 12, 2019

You are watching a live stream of the Saint Clair River in Port Huron, Michigan, for people who enjoy watching ships. You are welcome to join our chat, but keep in mind that we have established rules. Please check them out below.

This camera is made possible by the Blue Water Convention Center, located near the Blue Water Bridge at 800 Harker Street. Check out all of their upcoming events, or to see how they can help you plan your next event! https://www.bluewaterconventioncenter.com

Real Time Ship Tracking: https://www.marinetraffic.com/en/ais/home/centerx:-82.3/centery:42.8/zoom:10
Port Huron Scanner Audio: https://www.broadcastify.com/listen/feed/32260/web
Google Map :https://goo.gl/maps/15AkVAdAbYVcnK4FA
Navigation Chart: https://bit.ly/2LddLsc
Current Conditions: https://www.weather.gov/greatlakes/
Rules of the River: https://bit.ly/2RRZcNw

Don't Miss a Ship! Check out our Highlights spreadsheet for the dates/times of all our boats: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12sJhCsSqZM5agWBrrMwtTgKmMsA042GefBbpCYdfgZ8/edit#gid=1159769501

Duplication or distribution of our videos is strictly prohibited without permission.

• Be polite and respectful
• Please use English, we need a single language to be able to understand each other. If you’re not fluent, please use a translator such as Google Translate: https://translate.google.com
• Don’t post in ALL CAPS or use excessive emojis, letters or characters.
• Don’t discuss politics, religion, race, sex, violence, or anything like that. We try to be mindful of any children who may be watching.
• Please don’t use our chats to seek attention, stand on your soapbox, or post excessively about personal issues. This is not an exclusive club, we try hard to ensure that our chats feel welcoming and inclusive of anyone who drops by.
• Don’t ask to become a moderator. It’s earned. If we’re interested in your assistance, we will contact you.
• Just be nice, it’s amazing what happens when we’re all nice to each other.

• Inappropriate usernames
• Profanity
• Asking for subscriptions (subs)
• Being intentionally disruptive, creating arguments or any other jerk-like behavior
• Not following the moderators’ instructions

Port Huron, Michigan is located on the St. Clair River at the mouth of Lake Huron. The river flows between Lake Huron and Lake St. Clair and is about 40 miles long. Port Huron is 60 miles northeast of Detroit.
You’ll see dozens of vessels a day, including freighters, tankers, tugs, barges, salties, passenger ships, international visitors and other vessels.
The shipping season on the Great Lakes normally runs from mid to late March through early January. However, the severity of the winter will impact the exact dates the shipping lanes open and close. Winter is also an opportunity to catch an ice breaker in action!

StreamTime Live's goal is to be THE go-to source for the most interesting and curated selection of live feeds in the world, brought to you with exceptional quality and family-friendly, moderated chats.

Please visit Virtual Railfan to watch live streaming of trains! https://virtualrailfan.com
On YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/virtualrailfan

Thanks for stopping by, we’re glad you’re here! Please check back frequently for new cams!
Website: http://streamtimelive.com
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/streamtimeLIVE
Facebook Ship Cam Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/stlships
Twitter: https://twitter.com/StreamTimeL

Know a good location for a camera? We’d love to hear! Please email us at sales@streamtimelive.com. If you have any contacts, please let us know!

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