Sitrep with satellite photos at ZNPP 12 June 2023 after channel to Kakhovka reservoir dries up

1 year ago

Excerpt from Denys Davydov's YouTube channel of daily updates on the situation in Ukraine about the ZNPP nuclear power plant cooling water problem.

The dam that creates the Kakhovka reservoir was blown up on 6 June 2023. This event unleashed a torrent of water as the reservoir emptied into downstream. Unfortunately, the water that was used for cooling purposes in the Zaporizhia Nuclear Power Plant was drawn from the now-absent reservoir. The result is that there exists a very real danger of a nuclear meltdown, because the Soviet plant designers never considered that the reservoir would disappear and inserted no foolproof way to bring the reactors to a halt. Never in a million years did they consider the dissolution of the Soviet Empire would create a monster who would use the ZNPP as nuclear blackmail in his theft of territory. That eventuality has come into being and we are left to deal with the consequences.

As part of his daily updates, Denys has seen fit to search out the satellite images of the ZNPP which illustrate the problem succinctly. Denys is a brilliant researcher, maybe that's why he has hundreds of thousands of followers on his YouTube page and on his telegram channel too.

He professes unconcern towards the end of this report; we feel otherwise and rank this situation as the number one issue of global concern, bigger even than Covid. That is why we have taken the time now to document the issue: in the hope that our global pool of DNA is left unharmed by this knave called Putin. What we seek to prevent by early intervention is another Chernobyl.

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