🌎🐂 The Psychopaths at the The World Economic Forum (WEF) Orders the US Govt to Forcibly Seize Farms by 2025 and Burn Millions of Cattle

1 year ago

There's NO such thing as Climate Change OR a Climate Crisis! It's a Globalist LIE! The Carbon they want to reduce is US!
Expert Destroys Climate Change Hoax in 3 Minutes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mbcHVrdcujQ
CO2 is LIFE! http://iloveco2.com/co2-is-life/
It's official: No global warming for 8 years and 5 months, per NASA satellite data. That's no warming despite 475 billion tons of CO2 emissions. CO2 warming is the biggest scientific hoax of all time.
John Kerry says US farmers must radically transform food production to meet 'net zero' emissions goals by 2030: https://thepostmillennial.com/john-kerry-says-us-farmers-must-radically-transform-food-production-to-meet-net-zero-emissions-goals-by-2030
Kerry Says US Farm Confiscations Not Off the Table: https://lidblog.com/kerry-says-us-farm-confiscations-not-off-the-table
Fun Fact ~ Oil Is Not A Fossil Fuel ~ It’s Always Been a Big Fat Globalist Lie
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