What is the Sound of Freedom? | Answering the Call to Rescue Children with Nate Lewis

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Nate Lewis joins Jeremy Slayden for a frank discussion about the actual crimes against these children, and what a true rescue sounds like. It is the Sound of Freedom. Nate Lewis is the Chief Development Officer at Operation Underground Railroad (O.U.R.) with a primary focus on advancing the mission of O.U.R. to end human trafficking worldwide.

After graduating from film school, Nate spent two decades living and traveling in nearly 40 countries to work on feature films and network television for Warner Brothers, Twentieth Century Fox, Disney, Sony, Paramount, Miramax, Amazon, Netflix, Mandalay, Happy Madison, ABC, CBS, AMC and National Geographic, and develop projects under his production company.

In 2020, Nate made a passion move to leave the entertainment industry and spend his time combatting human trafficking. Nate’s personal mission is to focus on developing and expanding O.U.R.’s work globally.

Currently, Nate is executing O.U.R.’s vision to fund and build O.U.R. Academy, a vocational school for survivors of human trafficking located on 40 acres in Central America. Long term, his goal is to replicate this model on every major continent.

O.U.R. exists to rescue children and adults from Modern Day Slavery and assist survivors on their healing journey. In 8 years, they’ve been able to assist in the arrests of more than 6,700 predators and rescuing more than 7,200 individuals trapped in slavery. Working with local law enforcement and government agencies, domestically in all 50 states and abroad, O.U.R. has had success in more than 30 countries worldwide and currently are helping with Aftercare in more than 40 countries. It’s estimated that 30 million plus people are trapped in slavery today, more than any other time in our planet’s history. Human Trafficking is a $150 Billion Industry and O.U.R. is committed to fight this dark evil from all angles, including innovating technologies, undercover investigation as well as online investigations and providing much needed resources and technology to the local agencies fighting on the frontlines.

Learn About O.U.R: https://ourrescue.org
Join the Abolitionist Club: https://ourrescue.org/abolitionist-club
Raise Awareness: https://ourrescue.org/files/OUR_MediaKit2023.pdf
Rep the Cause: https://store.ourrescue.org

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