LANGUAGE IS POWER (Exploring Rhetoric and the Absence of Evidence) in "The Boondocks” Teaser

1 year ago

"The Boondocks" is a popular animated television show that aired from 2005 to 2014, created by Aaron McGruder. Known for its sharp social commentary and satire, the show centers around the Freeman family, an African-American family living in a predominantly white suburb. Alongside the Freeman family, the show features recurring characters who contribute to the show's distinctive charm and narrative depth, including, but not limited to, Gin Rummy, Gangstalicious, Uncle Ruckus, and Tom Dubois. Through its unique blend of humor, wit, and political commentary, "The Boondocks" employs rhetoric as a powerful tool to critique and challenge societal norms, address social issues, and convey the experiences and perspectives of black Americans in a predominantly white suburb. This seminar paper will explore the use of rhetoric in "The Boondocks," focusing on how the show employs the absurd.
In "The Boondocks," the characters of Huey Freeman, Riley, Grandpa, Uncle Ruckus, Tom Dubois, Gin Rummy, and Gangstalicious each contribute to the show's rich tapestry of social commentary and satire.

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