Liberalism is Socialism

1 year ago

The New New Left Is No New Frontier and JFK Was No Liberal

Peter Beinart, in “The Rise of the New New Left,” makes a number of interesting and gloomy observations about voting patterns among millennials. But in the course of an otherwise enlightening article, he misrepresents the legacy of one of the most popular American presidents.

In a discussion of “political generations” inspired by the work of the sociologist Karl Mannheim, Beinart asserts: “If you are in your late 50s, you are probably too young to remember the high tide of Kennedy-Johnson big government liberalism.” But whatever the grandiose visions of his successor, President John F. Kennedy was no supporter of big government—and not much of a liberal.

This is not a case of political bodysnatching—in fact, it might be an understatement. MSNBC host Chris Matthews conceded the point in his recent biography, Jack Kennedy: Elusive Hero. “I am not a liberal at all,” Kennedy once told the Saturday Evening Post. “I’m not comfortable with those people.” Journalist and JFK insider Ben Bradlee confirmed it. “He hated the liberals.”

Americans Suddenly More Conservative Than Liberal On Social Issues, Poll Says

As hot-button social issues like abortion and transgender rights dominate politics, more Americans—and the highest percentage since 2012—are identifying as socially conservative, according to a Gallup poll released Thursday, marking a shift from a time when Americans were about as likely to say they were socially liberal as conservative.

Trump fans sing ‘Happy Birthday’ at historic arraignment, a day before he turns 77

It’ll take a lot to trump this birthday gift.

Before the cake and the candles were brought out for former President Trump’s 77th birthday Wednesday, he appeared at a Miami federal courthouse where he was taken into custody and pleaded not guilty to 37 counts in a historic arraignment.

Most of the charges are tied to his alleged unlawful storing of national security information at his Florida Mar-A-Largo club.

Gender Studies’ Value Is Under Question—And for Good Reason

“Class discussions trend towards group-therapy sessions,” wrote Toni Airaksinen in 2016 for Quillette. At the time, she was studying at Barnard College and described moving from an initial infatuation with gender studies to seeing it as an “absurd intellectual alcove where objective truth is subordinate to academic theories used as political propaganda.”

Hungary bans gender studies because it is 'an ideology not a science'

Hungary’s populist government has banned gender studies degrees citing low enrollment numbers that waste taxpayer money and because it is “an ideology not a science.”

Left-wing critics say it’s academically problematic, politically unheard of in a democratic society, and argue gender studies degrees do lead to jobs.

Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who has been called the Donald Trump of Europe, signed the decree, which went into effect Saturday, removing gender studies from a list of approved master’s programs, though students already enrolled will be grandfathered in.

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