Our Daily Bread: The Manna Miracle and Investigating Sabbath Rest || Exodus 16:22-36 || Session 29

1 year ago

Do you ever feel burned out and in need of rest? Perhaps it's time to rediscover the importance of Sabbath rest and meditating on God, as we explore the intriguing story of manna and the Sabbath in Exodus 16. Join us on or continued study through Exodus, as we discuss how God provided the people of Israel daily with manna from heaven and quail, and how trusting in His provision prefigures the Lord Jesus Christ. We also delve into a look at the Sabbath rest before the Mosaic Law.

As we immerse ourselves in this chapter, we'll uncover the spiritual and physical consequences of neglecting rest, and how it can impact our lives today. Gain new insight into Biblical meditation and understand how it contrasts with Eastern meditation practices. We also examine Exodus 16:32-34, where the people of Israel were instructed to preserved a small amount of manna as a memorial in the tabernacle, diving deeper into what happened to the jar of manna, through references in Hebrews and Second Chronicles. Don't miss this opportunity to enrich your spiritual journey and learn the importance of rest and trusting in God's provision.

00:00 Meditating on God and Sabbath Rest
09:41Rest and God's Provision

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