American people have lost trust in this administration because of their repeated lies

1 year ago

06/12/2023 Nicole on Stinchifield Tonight: CCP’s No.1 enemy Miles Guo has been warning the American people and American federal government agencies about the CCP’s military expansion and spying operation not only in Cuba, but also in the Bahamas, Argentina, the entire South America. And all of his predictions have become a sad reality. The Administration repeatedly lied to the American people, and we don’t see any accountability. So we don’t trust it anymore. #FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang
06/12/2023 妮可参加《Stinchifield Tonight》节目:中共头号敌人郭文贵一直在警告美国人民和美国联邦政府机构,中共不仅在古巴从事军事扩张和间谍行动,还在巴哈马、阿根廷和整个南美洲都进行了类似的行动。可悲的是,他所有这些预言都变成了现实。这届政府不断对美国人民撒谎,而没有承担任何责任。我们已经不再信任政府了。 #释放郭文贵 #释放王雁平

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