What is your story? -Ep.210- Run With Horses Podcast

1 year ago

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What’s your story?

Everyone has a story that they use to explain their life and the world around them. You may not think of it as a story but it is the larger context that you place your life in to explain to yourself and others who you are and what your actions mean. It is how you interpret the world around you.

You may play the victim in your story or you may be the hero. The world exists to keep you down or it is an adventure in which you act and react on the way to some meaningful goal.
Your story is how you give meaning to life. It is how you interpret trials as well as blessings.

You likely view life with one primary purpose and group of people that everything else revolves around. Many men keep career and work firmly at the center. They have meaning and purpose as long as they have work that is engaging, pays the bills, gives them coworkers to commiserate with or just takes so much of their time and energy that they don’t have anything left for other interests.

Maybe for you, your story revolves around family. If your children are taken care of, happy and productive, not trouble makers, etc, you may have a sense of wellbeing and contentment with life whatever personal trials come your way.

Sports fan, outdoorsman, baker, gardener, runner, artist or volunteer. You have a story and you have a role that you fill in your mind. These stories, unexamined by most of us, are in the background running our lives and directly influencing our motivations and interpretations of life.

Often we let the world around us define us and the meaning that our lives have. When we do that, the world is telling the story. There is one big problem with the story that the world tells, it is based on a lie told by the prince of liars!
Satan wants you to listen to the story he tells about you. He doesn’t want you to hear the message of God’s love and redemption. He doesn’t want you to know that God’s story is still unfolding and you are a big part of it. The story the world tells is godless and meaningless. You are only able to make sense out of things vaguely and with no confidence.

But these stories are powerful. They are traps that keep us from reaching our God-given potential and blind us to the reality of His work in the world and in our lives or they are anchored firmly in reality and help us see God at work behind the curtain that is the theater of life. If you want to see life change in a person’s life, help them change their story.

Most of us are deeply entrenched in a story that is only partially based in the real world. Our desires, tainted by the flesh and opposed to God, lead us to interpret life with a throne in the center that we sit on. Life revolves around us and the world owes us. The constant clash of this dream with the reality that the world cares nothing for you leads to depression, fear, internal crisis of all kinds and often keeps us stuck in situations with no way out that we can see clearly. We need a better story. One with God at the center, Jesus on the throne and all of life seen for what it is. A battle ground with men’s souls at stake. God is drawing you to Himself, preparing you for eternity with Him and He uses His mission of reaching the world as the vehicle for your life change. You have meaning and purpose, a life that matters, and a family of believers who are on the Way with you. You are not alone in the world with everything against you. You are part of a family with a purpose on a mission that cannot fail.

You walk through life with your story. God’s purpose is to draw you into His story.
Keep running!

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