Aliens Vs. Predator- Marine Mission 6: The Marine vs. Weyland- No Commentary- PC

1 year ago

Aliens vs. Predator (2010) was developed by Rebellion Developments and published by Sega

Out of all possible ratings: Terrible, Bad, Average, Good, Great....

My rating, based upon my playthrough experience, is: Average

Alien vs. Predator is a mixed bag, with the sum of all parts making it average.
There are 3 campaigns to play through: The Marine, the Alien, and the Predator. Of the three, the Predator is by far the best and most fun to play as. Cloaking up and uncloaking in front of a civilian is a blast, and the combat feels great. The special abilities and weapons the Predator uses make the playthrough even better. The Marine is Doom 3-like in its execution. There is a strong action-horror feel to the gameplay as you shoot your way through alien and android hordes. The motion tracker is always beeping, letting you know if there is movement around you. While this is handy, I got sick of hearing it. Then there is the Alien: Janky controls, unwanted transitioning between surfaces combined with its fast movement makes traversing the terrain troublesome, and unclear ways of how to progress make the Alien terrible. There is a horde mode with I tried and found it lacking, and a multiplayer which is dead. If you want to play the multiplayer you have to scope forums and find a group, which I wasn't interested in doing.

On other aspects of the game, for being made in 2010 it still looks great, albeit dated, on modern machines in 4k and it runs very smoothly. The sound is ok, some things sounding great, others not so much. The scoped rifle pops nicely and the Predator mimicking voices sounds really cool. The ambient noises in the background add a sense of atmosphere and when there is music it fits what's going on in the game. The various sounds the Alien makes is underwhelming, and then there's the motion tracker, which got irritating. Some sounds are very uneven. When Weyland spoke during the Marine missions it was terribly loud, much louder than everything else.

Animations can look silly. You'll encounter a lot of xenomorphs throughout the game and you might find yourself wondering why they chose a heavy attack animation that looks as if the Alien is dancing. The Marines had a very mechanical looking walk; stiff and unnatural. Only the Predator looked as if they were moving naturally IMO. Combat among the different campaigns generally feels good, but the melee combat could have either used an overhaul or a hell of a lot more polish. Of the three different campaigns, the Predator pulls way ahead on this one, as it is very easy just to light attack your way through anything. During the other two campaigns, you have to utilize blocking and heavy attacks, which I found unresponsive at best sometimes.

Overall, it's definitely worth a playthrough if you enjoy the source material. I'd recommend you play the Marine and Predator campaigns and totally ignore the Alien. If you want to play the multiplayer, the Steam community is always asking to set games up and are looking for players. How well this process works is unknown to me. Horde mode is there for you to try, I personally found it boring.

Aliens vs. Predator is available on Xbox 360, PS3 and PC

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DHG played Aliens vs. Predator on PC (Steam)

Part 6

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