Final Fantasy XVI Part 1 - Clive's Adventure Begins

1 year ago

In this Gameplay, we get a glimpse of Clive in his youth as Joshua's Shield, and as an Adult.

Played as Story focused in performance mode

Plot (Wikipedia):

At the start of the story, fifteen year-old Clive begins the game as Joshua's bodyguard during a time of growing unrest in Valisthea. While Clive is not Phoenix's Dominant, Joshua shares the power of Phoenix with him. The Duchy is attacked with tragic results, and in the ensuing chaos, the dark Eikon Ifrit manifests. To find a purpose for himself, Clive becomes the First Shield of Rosaria, tasked with protecting Joshua and blessed by the Phoenix, allowing Clive to use part of its flames. Tragic events involving the dark Eikon, Ifrit, lead to Clive embarking on a quest for revenge.

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