You MUST See The Sick Books in Public Schools! Did the Anti-Christ Get His Power This Week?

1 year ago

If you control the WORDS, you control the WORLD.

Parents, you need to know about the books that your kids have access to in their public school libraries. We're going to show you the receipts tonight. You must see these sick books that parents want to ban but be warned: graphic content ahead.

And the Biden Administration has enacted the first state religion. For the first time in my life and in American history, the American flag, which men and women have fought and died for, has been replaced with the Pride flag.

The LGBTQ is not a movement; it’s an occupation.

Finally, did the Anti-Christ just get his power this week? I have a suggestion for who the Antichrist is-- but you must wait until the end of the show for that.

Unbelievably, AI has been called on to rewrite the Bible. It’s time for the Church to realize we are in the shadow of the Tribulation. This is our Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego moment. It’s time to be brave and stand up for Christ. Show up at your school committee meetings and stand up for your kids!

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Start [0:00]
▶ The Biden Administration enacts first state religion in the United States [1:30]
▶ Biden poses with trans model who goes topless on White House lawn [5:17]
▶ Should Christians ever have enemies? [8:45]
▶ Meaning of the pride flag colors vs American Flag colors? [10:40]
▶ What will happen to you if you disagree with the LGBTQ pride ideology? [12:11]
▶ What does bravery look like? [16:10]
▶ What does every parent need to know about book banning? [19:00]
▶ What are the sick books in public schools? [19:30]
▶ Do these books belong in public schools? [21:30]
▶ What is in the banned book Mean Earl and the Dying Girl? [21:57]
▶ What is in the banned book Monday’s Not Coming? [22:50]
▶ What is in the banned book Push? [23:10]
▶ Biden Administration says removing sexually explicit books from public school violates student rights [23:36]
▶ What is in the banned book The Bluest Eye? [24:55]
▶ Pastor reveals WHO Regional Office Standards for Sexuality Education [26:30]
▶ What is in the banned book Let’s Talk About It? [30:31]
▶ Muslim children who want to opt out of LGBTQ lessons in school called white supremacists [31:18]
▶ What does 2S Two Spirit mean? [36:40]
▶ What does the Bible describe as demonic? [37:30]
▶ How is Hollywood coming for your children? [37:42]
▶ Ellen Page was violently punching herself in the face and hearing voices before transitioning to Elliot? [37:48]
▶ What has Megan Fox Said Out About Being Sexualized at a Young Age? [40:40]
▶ Instagram Connects Vast Pedophile Network [47:50]
▶ Human Rights Campaign calls Christian conservative groups the enemy [49:50]
▶ California Bill Would Charge any Parent Who Doesn’t Affirm Transgenderism with Child Abuse [50:30]
▶ Testimony by Trans-man who realizes how impossible it is for a woman to be a man [52:19]
▶ Pastor reacts to Chosen pride flag on production set [56:22]
▶ Pastor investigates, is this the anti-Christ? [59:58]
▶ George Soros to pass control of his empire to son Alexander [1:00:30]
▶ What does the Bible say about who the anti-Christ is? [1:02:00]
▶ What needs to happen to have the anti-Christ come to power? [1:04:10]
▶ WEF calls for AI to rewrite Bible, create religions that are actually correct [1:04:20]

👏👏👏 Pastor Tim Recommends 🔥🔥🔥
Christ or Conformity Waters Church Tim Hatch

Do these books belong in public school libraries? You be the judge.

School District’s removal of sexually explicit books potentially violated students’ civil rights Biden Admin says

WHO Regional Office for Europe and BZga Standards for Sexuality Education

Instagram Connects Vast Pedophile Network

WEF calls for AI to rewrite Bible, create 'religions that are actually correct'

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