Abortion Is Mass Industrialized MURDER: Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising Remembers Murdered Babies

1 year ago

Murdered unborn babies are the most victimized group in modern times.
The founder of the Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising Terrisa Bukovinac is here to talk about why abortion must end once and for all.
Terrisa Bukovinac has helped expose illegal late term abortions in Washington D.C.
Cesare Santangelo is known as the butcher of D.C.
In March of 2022 Terrisa went to Cesare Santangelo’s abortion clinic with the intention of helping the moms who were there.
But when they arrived there was a truck parked outside labeled “Curtis Bay Medical Waste Services”.
The driver of the truck was shocked when he was informed that the medical waste was actually dead babies.
The driver agreed to allow Terrisa to take one of the boxes upon the condition that she give the babies a proper burial.
There were a total of 115 dead and dismembered babies in the box.
Terrisa Bukovinac is considering challenging Joe Biden for the Democratic nomination for President.
She wants to give pro-life democrats a voice and call out the Party leadership for being for the murder of babies.
There is nothing progressive about genocide and there cannot be peace in our nation until we stop the murder of the unborn.
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