Strong and Sexy Legs: Total Lower Body Workout for Strength and Confidence | Legs / Glutes Workout

1 year ago

Legs / Glutes Workout - NEW goodies so make sure to Save and share with a friend 👯‍♀️

Let’s go! Let’s get after a new week! This is your opportunity to start. Drop excuses and make time. You got this.👏

Train with me, Iink in BIO 💚
Fit @zentoa 🌹

Workout deets: 8-12 reps for 4 sets
1. Resisted sissy squats
2. Kneeling thrusts
3. Goblet squats
4. Hammie curl ins
5. Reverse lunges
6. 45° bent leg raises
7. B stance rope pull throughs

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