The truth about ESG scores and the WEF agenda

1 year ago

Josh Sigurdson reports on the truth behind ESG and CEI scores as social credit becomes normalized in the corporate world. For many years, people have claimed that corporations run the world. This is not true. They are tools. They are dependent on government. The spokespeople in government surely get paid off by them but the agenda is set in place by those who control the government officials and therefor decide what corporations can or cannot do. ESG and CEI scores are an excellent example of this. They're essentially social credit for corporations which may lose them enormous amounts of money and even collapse the corporations, but they allow them financing deals and later bailouts. Brands will be "boycotted" by globalist entities making them irrelevant if they go against the obvious money losing strategies like going "woke" and promoting trans indoctrination to children. Of course, there is something far more sinister and dark happening here in the shadows. It's the gradual move into corporate collapse and ownership of all companies by the state, used for rations in 15 Minute Cities. Just the same, the corporations are used as tools to drive people to a point of desperation and poverty. From the economy to the food supply, energy supply and of course housing, the idea is eventually that people will own nothing. No property. Just as corporations will strictly be government entities. All of this under carbon credit scores attached to CBDCs linked with 24/7 surveillance.

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