The Ark of the Covenant Has Been Found!

1 year ago

Originally released in 2016, this video was the fifth I made in order to try and share the Bible with my friends. It is now being reposted here exclusively on for your viewing pleasure. All of my screw ups made during this video presentation have been kept intact for the sake of honesty and to keep scriptural integrity intact. After all, it beats trying to make myself look good (like an overpaid buffoon claiming to be a man of God on a television showcase or even worse, dressed in overpriced robes and surrounded by golden artifacts while demanding to be addressed by human titles, thereby placing the glory on myself instead of God)! Let's face it, that's why Christianity is in the trouble that it's currently in and will remain so unless we return to the scriptures! They are infallible (just like God!) so I pray you will turn away from later traditions created by fallible men (who want the glory that is only reserved for God to be placed upon themselves) and get back to the words Christ ACTUALLY SAID! The Tomb Is Empty; Christ Is Risen!!!!

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