Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 6-14-23: Take 2 - Beware of Watchers & Exposing Evil

1 year ago

This Prophecy Update will be slightly different. It combines two different subjects that I comment upon. Sometimes these individual, shorter topics come together more quickly than a single longer theme, although they are hopefully not any less pertinent.

The two issues I bring forth today are the following:

The first, titled: Beware of Watchers Bearing Gifts discusses the immense changes in human life that came about in the antediluvian era through the seemingly benign and quite helpful gifts given to mankind in a difficult time where presumably all activities were a constant struggle.

The second, titled: Exposing Evil looks at the current efforts to reveal the wickedness in high places and what it accomplishes in these final hours.

In both Commentaries, we come to understand that God continues overseeing the affairs of men and that His plans and purposes inevitably prevail.

Gary Ritter website: books & blog

Please note that the transcript is available on my website blog under the post with the same title.

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