1 year ago
June. 10, 2023. The 'WHO' Treaty, The 'WEF', 'DARPA', Human Extermination Event, Mass Depopulation, Starting Soon,

June. 10th, 2023. Medical & Geopolitical News. '

Billions Could Be Injured or Killed By the Jab: Are You Ready? billions could be injured or killed by the jab: are you ready? forecasts what’s to come. “Their own estimate was a 10 reduction in the world population. The tragedy is I think the number is higher.”

£1bn deal with the UK government

UK government has committed to buying Moderna’s vaccines for the next decade.

Harwell, Oxfordshire

Innovation and Technology Centre built by the 2025

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provide the UK public with access to mRNA vaccines for a wide range of respiratory diseases


Control of antigen dose?

How long antigen will be produced for?

Degree of systemic distribution?

Degree of systemic inflammation?

DrJohnCampbell - Excess deaths in all age groups

Jun. 10th, 2023 'Covid-19' Medical, Geopolitical News, AndreCorbeil.

'Covid-19' 'Wuhan' Lab Leak Documents, Dr John Campbell, 'Covid-19' Lab Leak Documents, Covid-19 Documents,

Jun. 10, 2023 News.
Pandemic started with a lab leak

10th, June. 2023 News.

Senate and House vote.
Lab leak, Senate and House vote unanimously for intelligence disclosure

Virus lab leak timeline
Dr. John Campbell

US Senate.
US Senate, full lab leak report
Dr. John Campbell

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COVID Lab Leak Evidence: Escaped Chinese Virologist Dr. Li-meng Yan & Brian O'Shea – Ask Dr. Drew

Rep. Jim Jordan: There Are 9 Million Reasons Two Scientists Changed Their Stance On Wuhan Lab Leak.

Rep. Jim Jordan: There Are 9 Million Reasons Two Scientists Changed Their Stance On Wuhan Lab Leak

“Conspiracy Theorists” VINDICATED Over Covid-19(84) Lab Leak Theory & Woody Didn’t Epstein Himself!!

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Uncovering the Truth: COVID-19 Lab Leak Theory Gains Credibility

Dr. Anthony Fauci Appears On CNN & Downplays The Possibility Of A Wuhan Lab Leak

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The Truth About Gain-Of-Function Covid-19 Vaccines U.S.A. Bioweapon And Terrorism
What If Everything You Were Taught Was A Lie?

Department of Energy.
Department of Energy Now Says COVID-19 Came From Lab Leak

The Dangerous Side Effects Of The Covid vaccination

Dr. Ryan Cole Itemizes The Dangerous Side Effects Of The Covid Jab

COVID lab-leak theory's
NYT COVID reporter's claim of lab-leak theory's 'racist roots' hints at paper's news priorities

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