2010-03-12 - HEARING ON MOTION TO RECUSE - Judge William J. Groff presiding.m4v

1 year ago

In a case involving members of organized crime working with law enforcement officers threatening to have candidate for the US Senate, Gerard Beloin, shot, Judge William J. Groff clearly states that the death threats against this political candidate are not credible because Gerard Beloin is not dead. That statement by Judge Groff establishes the precedent that proven death threats against a political opponent in NH are a legitimate form of political discourse.

Judge William J. Groff has refused to recuse himself from Mr. Beloin's case and has denied making those extremely biased statements under oath. That is perjury by a sitting judge. The question is why is this Judge refusing to acknowledge the direct connection to organized crime in this case that involves at least 4 other judges. Judge Phillip Mangones. Judge Kathleen MaGuire. Judge James Barry Jr. Judge Diane Nicolosi.


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