RI Rep. Patricia Morgan Cites S35 Sub A Violates RI Constitution Article II Section 1 On Age Eligibility To Vote In Elections

1 year ago

Rhode Island Representative Patricia Morgan rightfully points out Article II, Section 1 of the RI Constitution addresses the age requirements to vote in elections and does not make distinctions between primary and general elections.

Her citing of this provision (line 1) contrasts S 35 Sub A giving the rights of 17 year olds to vote if they achieve the age of 18 by the time of a general election.

Please read this section of the RI Constitution for exactness of wording.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------ARTICLE II OF SUFFRAGE---------------------------------------------------------------------
Section 1. Persons entitled to vote. -- Every citizen of the United States of the age of eighteen years or over who has had residence and home in this state for thirty days next preceding the time of voting, who has resided thirty days in the town or city from which such citizen desires to vote, and whose name shall be registered at least thirty days next preceding the time of voting as provided by law, shall have the right to vote for all offices to be elected and on all questions submitted to the electors, except that no person who has been lawfully adjudicated to be non compos mentis shall be permitted to vote. No felon shall be permitted to vote until completion of such felon's sentence, served or suspended, and of parole or probation regardless of a nolo contendere plea. Upon such completion, such person's right to vote shall be restored. The general assembly may provide by law for shorter state and local residence requirements to vote for electors for president and vice president of the United States.

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