mongoose and snake fight. why dose the mongoose always beat the snake?

1 year ago

Mongoose and snake fight. A snake does not have much of a cerebral cortex; in other words, it does not have much reasoning ability or the equipment to do so in its brain. Then there is the mongoose; the mongoose only sees the snake as a food source. It must kill the snake first, but that is easily done. Even if the snake knows to stay away from a mongoose, the mongoose will keep pursuing the snake until it catches it.

Snakes have such little ability to reason that without extra stimulation of their senses, i.e., odor, the snake will die if moved more than a few feet from its home territory. A herpetologist from the college near me did a study on rattlesnakes that had been tagged with radio transmitters, so they could easily find them again and were transplanted to a “new” territory. Snakes that were moved from 100 yards to a half mile from their “home” died mostly from starvation. She said:” You almost had to put them under the same bush as they were captured under.”. You would think that the reptile only had to find a new rat or mouse trail and wait beside it. Not the case.

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