Daily Wire Banned From YouTube - French Catholic Hero saves Kids - Bill Donohue on the War on Virtue

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Date – Tuesday, June 13th - 2023 – St. Anthony of Padua

St. Anthony of Padua, whose feast day we celebrate today, was a remarkable saint known for his profound knowledge of Scriptures and his fearless defense of the Catholic faith. Often referred to as the "Ark of the Covenant" and the "Hammer of Heretics," he left a lasting impact on the Church.

Giotto's painting of St. Anthony, admired by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira during his visit to Assisi, depicted a strong and majestic man. This portrayal resonated with St. Anthony's character as a Doctor of the Church, an expert in Scriptures, and a defender of the faith.

St. Anthony possessed an extraordinary understanding of Scripture. He could quote even the most obscure passages and expound upon them, using them to challenge and refute heretics. His knowledge was coupled with his ability to engage in powerful debates, leaving his opponents defeated. Miracles often accompanied his preaching, further confirming his divine support and earning him the title "Hammer of Heretics."

Unfortunately, the popular portrayal of St. Anthony today often diminishes his true nature. Sentimental depictions show him as a young man with a gentle demeanor, holding the Child Jesus with an air of confusion. This sentimental piety distorts the image of the militant St. Anthony, who fearlessly defended the Church and its teachings.

St. Anthony's militant character is exemplified in two historical incidents. In one, a Spanish fleet was besieging the Muslim city of Oram, and the Spanish Admiral, facing a futile siege, turned to a statue of St. Anthony for intercession. He placed his insignias of command on the statue and implored St. Anthony to take command of the siege. Shortly after, the Moors inexplicably abandoned the city, reportedly in fear of a friar threatening them with heavenly fire.

The second incident occurred in Rio de Janeiro, where the city was under attack by French Calvinist forces. The Catholic resistance was weakening, but the presence of a statue of St. Anthony in a central square inspired a renewed spirit of determination among the Brazilian Catholics. Young men flocked to join the army, and with their support, the Calvinists were defeated, ensuring Brazil remained a Catholic nation.

St. Anthony's life and example urge us to become enthusiastic admirers of Catholic militancy, just as he was. Let us seek his intercession to help eradicate sentimental piety and embrace the true essence of our faith.

St. Anthony of Padua, pray for us.

INTRO – Happy Tuesday

When someone uses the OH MY GOD statement. I say Praise be His Holy Name. I dare you to say it.

And – at 15 past the hour, Daily Wire Banned From YouTube | French Catholic Hero saves Kids

Also – at 30 past the hour, Bill Donohue on the War on Virtue

Plus – in the next hour, SHARE-A-THON

As always – we have the fear and trembling game show next week!

Plus – in the next hour, The Witness of Religious Habits and Cassocks

The devil hates the religious habit and the cassock.

As always – we have the fear and trembling game show prize

V/. Heart of Jesus, burning with love for us,

R/. Inflame our hearts with love of Thee.

Let us pray.

LORD, we beseech Thee, let

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The Gospel of the Day – Jn 16,29-33

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