Rick Grenell Applaused President Trump as the Most Gay President in US History.

1 year ago

Rick Grenell Applaused President Trump as the Most Gay President in US History.
That very well seems to be True. Now I am still supporting DJT for President, but I do have issues with many things he has done. I have called those many things out in the past.
I am not bashing Gays. This is supposed to be the Land of the Free. Consenting Adults have the Right to do what they want as long as they do not Violate the Rights or Property of others.
But every U.S. Citizen already has Equal Rights under the Law. So now, because of this Crazy Gay/Trans Agenda, they have gained MORE RIGHTS than we have.
What Tim Brown and Bradley Dean point out is true. That President Trump Claims to be a Christian, but is not. And promoting the Gay and Transexual Agenda most certainly not in accord with Christian beliefs or values.
But then again. President Trump is almost certainly Jewish. There have even been credible claims that DJT has Converted to Judaism. Particularly Chabad Lubavitch, just as his Daughter and Son in Law Jarad Kushner. And the Gay agenda is Supported by Judaism on a Major Scale.
President Trump is in fact so Extremely Pro Israel that I fear that he is actually more Israel First, than America First.
To my dismay, President Trump has in fact given more Rights to both Gays and Jews. He has passed Laws Violating Free Speech, banning the Criticism of the Jewish Community under the False Claim of Antisemitism.
But he has also prevented Free Speech on Truth Social when it comes to Gays or Transexuals. You Cannot Post Anything that Criticized the LGBTQ Community, or even on a personal level.
Both the LGBTQ and the Jewish Population is such a small minority, yet the entire Nation is being Forced to Submit to an Agenda that is clearly being used to undermine our Moral and Ethical Standards as a means to Subvert and Corrupt US as individuals and as a Nation.
It is clearly in opposition to the vast majority of the beliefs and desires of his supporters.
I have some Shocking Secrets related to DJT on that very subject that I have never posted in an article. Nor am I going to share that now. You probably would not believe me anyway.
But the point I am trying to make is:
That No One, no matter who they are should get a Free Pass. Question Everything, and call out your Political Leaders when they do not uphold the Legal or Ethical Standards that they have Sworn to Uphold.
Regardless of what we may have believed in the past, or what some may still believe in the present, Donald Trump does have Royal Ancestry and Deep Family Ties to the Elite.
He Really is Not One of Us. He is and has always been one of them. The simple facts is, YOU DO NOT BECOME PRESIDENT WITHOUT BEING SANCTIONED BY THE POWERS THAT BE.
Though DJT may not longer be the Chosen One of the Ruling Elite, but he was in 2016.
We must remain vigilant and make sure that DJT stays on the the straight and narrow. And not be afraid to call him out when he does go astray.
And that does Scare the Globalists.
Maybe it should scare us a bit as well.
Bradley Dean: Hey Christians, Remember, "President Trump Is The Most Pro-'Gay' President"
Tim Brown: https://beforeitsnews.com/u-s-politics/2023/06/did-the-father-of-the-vaccine-also-tell-you-that-he-was-the-most-gay-president-in-american-history-just-ask-himvideo-2604771.html
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